Updates and news: You can find all information in our [KittyFlap-Magazin .](https://kittyflap.com/magazin/)
*** Updates and news: You can find all information in our [KittyFlap-Magazin .](https://kittyflap.com/magazin/) ***

KittyFlap®-the original

The intelligent cat flap with prey detection



Prey detection

Detects whether your cat brings home prey

Animal chip detection

Recognizes your chipped cat

Installation options

Fits in panes, windows, garage doors and doors

UV-resistant surface

No yellowed cat flap on your door


Continuous updates for new functions

Simple operation

Via smartphone app

Always with your darling

Whether you’re on the move or at home, always stay connected

Infinite cat profiles

No restriction on the number of cats programmed to the door

Animal chip detection

Recognizes your chipped cat

Prey detection

Detects if your cat brings home prey

Installation options*

Fits in windows, windows, garage doors and doors

Simple operation

Via smartphone app

UV-resistant surface

No yellowing cat flap on your door

Always with your darling

Whether you’re on the move or at home, always stay connected

Infinite cat profiles

No restriction on the number of cats programmed to the door


Continuous updates for new functions

*The detection of the cat via the implanted animal chip does not work if the KittyFlap® is mounted on metal or metal-containing material.

With our KittyFlap® app
you no longer miss anything

Your advantages:

  • Completely free to use, with all functions!

  • You always have your cat in sight

  • You see when she had prey and when she is at home

  • Overview of how often and when your cat came with prey

  • Simply close the flap from the road

  • The cat flap can be controlled remotely

  • Continuous updates and maintenance of app functions

What other cat lovers say

Florian RutzFlorian Rutz
00:39 21 Oct 23
Endlich wieder ruhige Nächte und kein Schlachtfeld mehr im Haus. 😉
Rouven OberholzerRouven Oberholzer
06:29 14 Aug 23
Schade die nötige Lochgrösse in der Scheibe passt leider nicht. Die Idee finde ich super. Vielleicht schaut ihr euch ab was die Konkurrenz so für Lochgrössen haben, dann ist der Wechsel viel einfacher und weniger Kostenintensiv.
Timo MenhornTimo Menhorn
11:13 10 Jul 23
Ich bin absolut begeistert von der innovativen KI-gesteuerten Katzenklappe KittyFlap! Seit ich sie für meine beiden Katzen Laia und Feye installiert habe, hat sich mein Leben verändert. Endlich habe ich keine Sorgen mehr, dass meine geliebten Vierbeiner Beutetiere ins Haus bringen oder dass andere Tiere ungebeten eintreten.Die Zuverlässigkeit dieser Katzenklappe ist beeindruckend. Dank der fortschrittlichen KI-Technologie erkennt sie meine Katzen sofort und gewährt ihnen den Zugang, während sie unerwünschte Eindringlinge fernhält. Es ist erstaunlich zu sehen, wie die Klappen sich nur öffnen, wenn Laia oder Feye davor stehen. Andere Tiere haben keine Chance!Die Installation war unkompliziert und das System funktioniert reibungslos. Ich schätze die benutzerfreundliche App, mit der ich die Katzenklappe steuern und überwachen kann. So kann ich sicherstellen, dass meine Katzen jederzeit sicher im Haus sind.Ich bin auch beeindruckt von der Qualität und dem Design der KittyFlap. Sie passt perfekt in meine Tür und sieht elegant aus. Die Klappen sind robust und gut isoliert, was bei kaltem Wetter den Wärmeverlust minimiert.Die Tatsache, dass die KittyFlap nicht nur Beutetiere fernhält, sondern auch verhindert, dass andere Tiere ins Haus gelangen, gibt mir ein beruhigendes Gefühl. Meine Katzen können die Freiheit genießen, nach draußen zu gehen und wieder ins Haus zu kommen, ohne dass ich mir Sorgen machen muss.Ich kann KittyFlap uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Es ist eine intelligente Lösung für Katzenbesitzer, die ihren pelzigen Freunden einen sicheren Zugang zum Freien ermöglichen möchten, ohne dabei die Kontrolle über die Tierbewegungen zu verlieren. Die Kombination aus Innovation, Zuverlässigkeit und Schutz macht KittyFlap zu einer 5-Sterne-Katzenklappe!
Fabio ForsterFabio Forster
06:54 31 May 23
Endlich keine halbtoten Vögel mehr in der Wohnung! Während unserem älteren Kater die Vögel und Kleintiere nicht gleichgültiger sein könnten, macht es sich unser Neuzugang zur Aufgabe, regelmässig Vögel in allen Farben in der Wohnung zu verteilen. Das schmerzt nicht nur das Tierfreundherz, es frustrierte und machte jede Menge Arbeit. Mit der KittyFlap ist damit schluss. Wurde zu Beginn noch lauthals die Beute zumindest vor der Tür präsentiert, Zugang war ja dank KittyFlap Beuteerkennung geschlossen, verzichtet unser junger Kater nun gänzlich auf das anschleppen seiner Jagdtrophäen.Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
Helmut WickHelmut Wick
05:30 31 May 23
Eine Katzenklappe die ihren Namen verdient. Keine ungebetenen Besucher kommen mit ins Haus.
Sebastian RudatSebastian Rudat
09:56 26 May 23
Vor einiger Zeit habe ich das Startup bei der Höhle der Löwen gesehen und konnte kaum abwarten, bis das Produkt verfügbar ist. Ich bin begeistert nun einer der ersten Personen sein zu dürfen, die dieses Produkt testen kann um endlich Mäusefrei zu leben.
David ZapfDavid Zapf
09:36 26 May 23
Als Katzenbesitzer bin ich nach wie vor auf der Suche nach der passenden Lösung, um Fremdtiere aus unserem Haus fernzuhalten, die unser Kater regelmäßig als Ausdruck seiner Zuneigung nach seinen Streifzügen mitbringt. Ich bin jetzt schon begeistert und glücklich, dass ich mir im Vorverkauf ein Exemplar der KittyFlap sichern konnte.

Your questions. Our answers

How does KittyFlap® prevent my cat from bringing home prey?

A motion sensor reacts to the cat when it approaches the cat flap. This triggers the camera. The artificial intelligence analyzes the image to determine whether the cat is carrying something in its mouth. If the software detects prey, the cat flap remains closed.

Does KittyFlap® only recognize mice or also other prey?

KittyFlap® recognizes all prey in your pet’s mouth thanks to AI.

Will KittyFlap® block access for other cats?

KittyFlap® has a built-in animal chip scanner. The microchip implanted in your cat has a unique serial number. Access is regulated on the basis of this serial number.

How reliable is prey detection?

Prey detection is very reliable. In addition, we offer the automatic online update, as soon as we have an improved algorithm, we will install it on your KittyFlap®.

When will my cat be allowed back in?

If your cat no longer has any prey. However, you can also configure a timer.

Can several cats use KittyFlap®?

You can program an infinite number of cats on your KittyFlap®.

What kind of data does KittyFlap® record exactly?

We store your programmed animal chip numbers locally. If you save your cat’s name and a picture via the app, this will also be saved locally. Images are only saved locally for a short time and then deleted.

KittyFlap® only saves pictures locally that contain a cat and only for a short time. We make your pictures available to you in your app.

How secure is my data?

We use secure cryptography and make regular software updates. The KittyFlap® software is regularly tested to ensure that there are no vulnerabilities. The Kitty Cloud only contains anonymized data that cannot be traced back to individuals.

Is prey detection being continuously improved?

We are constantly improving the algorithm and updates are delivered automatically if you agree.

How is KittyFlap® supplied with energy?

The KittyFlap® requires an external 12V power adapter which we supply.

How easy is it to install KittyFlap®?

It is extremely simple and easy to install with a little manual skill. We supply the templates as well as the necessary installation material.

Can I operate KittyFlap® remotely?

The KittyFlap® can be operated remotely via app. Images are delivered to your app.

Do you really need an app for KittyFlap® or does it work without one?

The KittyFlap® prey detection also works without an app, but has fewer functions. We recommend using the app.

What are the dimensions of the KittyFlap®?

  • External dimensions of the KittyFlap®: 285mm wide, 275mm high
  • Passage for your darling: 170mm width, 170mm height
  • Hole size for installing the KittyFlap® (Template is supplied.
    Download template

    • The saw hole size square for doors: 220mm width, 230mm height
    • Round (glass): Diameter of 240mm
  • Tunnel length from 2cm to 7cm

Does the KittyFlap® also work with unchipped cats?

KittyFlap® prey detection also works without chip recognition. You can switch off chip detection via the app, but leave prey detection switched on.

Does KittyFlap® also work without the Internet?

To register, you need the app and the KittyFlap® Internet. Once this has been set up, access and loot detection will work.

Which standard is used to identify animals using electronic transponders?

KittyFlap can always recognize implanted transponders (animal chips or RFID chips). However, these must be as large as possible, but at least 12 mm and comply with ISO standard 11784/11785 FDX-B. However, access control via implanted chips cannot be guaranteed, as a variety of factors, such as implant depth, position and location of the chips, can impair this special function. The main problem in the detection of implanted chips lies in the small size of the chips. The smaller the chip, the fewer copper coils it contains and the less able the mini-chips are to send back the signals emitted by the KittyFlap. Because implanted chips were not intended to open doors, but to be read by the vet at the shortest possible distance, the detection range is correspondingly short. This is within a range of 10 cm as long as the chip has not yet been implanted in the animal. Once the chip is in the animal, the detection range in normal use is only 0 to 10 cm. In general, the recognition of implanted chips in cats works adequately after the familiarization phase. As a rule of thumb, the greater the distance between the implantation site (usually the neck area) and the antenna, the lower the chance that the chip can be read over this distance.

What effect do (metal) obstacles have on the KittyFlap cat flap?

The antenna built into the KittyFlap has two functions: firstly, to create a magnetic induction field and secondly, to receive the identification of the animal transponder. Metal objects and animal transponders are not always optimally compatible as they can interfere with the magnetic field. On the one hand, the signals are shielded and thus prevent the animal chips from being detected; on the other hand, the signals are reflected so strongly, e.g. when installed in an aluminum garage door, that the RFID system could be disrupted. Installation in metal doors is also generally not advisable if you want to use access control via animal transponders.

The KittyFlap is technically compatible with all conventional animal identification chips in accordance with ISO standard 11784 / 11785 FDX-B.

However, this technology dates back to the 1970s and was standardized almost 20 years ago (1996). This makes it hopelessly outdated and brings with it a number of annoying restrictions. But it allows such an implanted chip to be used as a key for the KittyFlap under normal circumstances.

However, as the manufacturer of the KittyFlap, we have no influence on the quality of the transponder in your pet and therefore cannot give any guarantee with regard to its function or range.

We therefore advise you to check with your animals before installation whether the detection range is sufficient. If it does not work, this is not a malfunction of the device, but a technical limitation of the ID chip.

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How our KittyFlap® works

Thanks to our sophisticated and long-developed technology, the KittyFlap® recognizes whether your cat/cat wants to bring home prey and refuses entry – reliably and even at night.



The KittyFlap® continuously monitors whether a cat is in the vicinity using the integrated sensors.



The camera forwards the image to the KittyFlap® ‘s AI-controlled system and recognizes whether the cat has prey or not.



The KittyFlap® recognizes your registered cat based on the animal chip and only lets your pet in.



The KittyFlap® keeps you informed wherever you are. You always know whether your furry friend is at home or playing outside.


Discover smart freedom with the Kittyfl app

Download now for free:

Your advantages:

  • Free for Apple and Android

  • Register as many cats as you want

  • Create a cat profile with a picture

  • Always be informed: Is your cat/cat at home or out and about

  • The app shows whether your cat/cat wanted to bring home prey

  • SMART Home: simply close or open the flap while on the move

  • Continuous updates and maintenance of the app

  • Share your app: with roommates or temporarily with cat-sitters

The KittyFlap magazine –
by cat lovers, for cat lovers